

🇺🇸 Deeply saddened by the loss of baseball legend, Timothy Stephen Wakefield 💔. A beacon in MLB, his knuckleball magic will be missed. Battling brain cancer bravely, his legacy on and off the field remains unparalleled. #RIPWakefield #BaseballLegend #GoneTooSoon #ForeverRemembered #MLBIcon

† Timothy Stephen Wakefield ✝️ Baseball Player And Commentator 💔 Passed Away At The Age Of 57 🕊️ #TimWakefield #UnitedStates

🇺🇸 Deeply saddened by the loss of baseball legend, Timothy Stephen Wakefield 💔. A beacon in MLB, his knuckleball magic will be missed. Battling brain cancer bravely, his legacy on and off the field remains unparalleled. #RIPWakefield #BaseballLegend #GoneTooSoon #ForeverRemembered #MLBIcon